Seven Quality Control Tools

We can say that the entire lean manufacturing system is a result of decades of continuous problem solving by all of the people and companies who have contributed to the development of lean systems. The Gemba Academy Seven Quality Control Tools course explains the exact 7 tools used by quality control experts. No matter if you work in a factory making "widgets" or in a hospital taking care of patients, the concepts taught in this course will forever change the way you use statistical methods to analyze and control quality. In this course you’ll learn the seven key quality control tools while also learning how to create and use statistical tools like control charts, Pareto charts, and scatter plots.


7QC Overview

Learn what Quality Control is as well as what the 7QC Tools are.


QC Tool 1:The Graph

Learn about 5 powerful graphs, what they are and when to use them.

Bar Charts

Learn how to create bar charts in MS Excel.

Broken Line Graphs

Learn how to create broken line graphs in MS Excel.

Pie Charts

Learn how to create pie charts in MS Excel.

Band Graphs

Learn how to create band graphs in MS Excel.

Radar Charts

Learn how to create radar charts in MS Excel.

QC Tool 2: The Check Sheet

Learn how to leverage this simple, but powerful tool in both manufacturing and front office situations.

QC Tool 3: The Pareto Chart

Learn the history and application of arguably the single most important problem solving tool available.

Creating a Pareto Chart in Sigma XL

Learn exactly how to create a Pareto chart in Sigma XL.

QC Tool 4: The Cause & Effect Diagram

Commonly referred to as the Fishbone, the Cause & Effect Diagram is extremely helpful at identifying root causes.

Basic Statistics

Learn what statistics are and how they can help us when leveraged correctly. You’ll also learn what descriptive statistics are as we prepare to dive deeper in the coming modules.

Measures of Central Tendency

Learn what the 3 measures of central tendency are as well as how to calculate them by hand.

Measures of Dispersion

Learn what the 3 measures of dispersion are as well as how to calculate them by hand.

Generating Descriptive Statistics

Learn how to quickly generate descriptive statistics using either MS Excel of Sigma XL.

QC Tool 5: The Scatter Diagram

Learn what the Scatter Diagram is and how to create one. You will also learn about Simple Linear Statistics such as R Squared and how to build predictive statistical models.

Creating Scatter Diagrams and Regression Statistics

Learn exactly how to create Scatter Diagrams while also generating Simple Linear Regression statistics such as R Squared and Predictive models.

QC Tool 6: The Histogram

Learn what the histogram is and how it can help you better understand your front office or manufacturing related process.

Calculating Cp and Cpk

In this module you’ll learn what Cp and Cpk are as well as how to calculate them.

Creating Histograms & Cp / Cpk Statistics

Learn how to easily generate histograms as well as Cp and Cpk statistics using Sigma XL. It really is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

QC Tool 7: The Control Chart

Learn what the control chart is as well as the difference between common and special cause variation.

Creating Control Charts in Sigma XL

Learn how to quickly generate both Indivduals and Individuals + Moving Range Control Charts using Sigma XL.

MSA Overview

Learn what a Measurement System Analysis is and why it’s so important for anyone attempting to improve a process!

The Attribute Data MSA

Learn how to plan and conduct an attribute data MSA.

Attribute Data MSA Analysis in SigmaXL

Learn how to analyze the results of an Attribute MSA using Sigma XL.

The Variable Data MSA

Learn how to plan and conduct a variable data MSA.

Variable Data MSA Analysis in Sigma XL

Learn how to analyze the results of a variable data MSA using Sigma XL.

Action Guide

To wrap up this course, here's an Action Guide to provide you with some immediate ideas for how to put what you've just learned into practice.

Individual topic purchase: Selected
Apex Campus
Total General Hours: 1.00
Member: $30.00
Non-member Price: $50.00