Coaching Kata Essentials

The coaching kata is a set of practice routines for teaching scientific thinking to the improvement kata learner. Learn the main objectives, activities, characteristics of the coach-learner relationship, the deliberate way questions are used and how this contributes to establishing a continuous improvement culture.

What Is the Coaching Kata?

The coaching kata is a set of practice routines for teaching scientific thinking to the improvement kata learner. Learn the main objectives and activities, characteristics of the coach-learner relationship, the deliberate way questions are used, and how this contributes to establishing a continuous improvement culture.

What Is Expected from a Kata Coach

Kata coaches guide learners through the planning and execution phases of the improvement kata. Learn the main coach activities of each stage, how coaches balance supportive and directive styles, and the keys for the coach's ongoing skill development.

What It Takes to Be a Kata Coach

Coaches play a key role in helping learners develop their scientific thinking ability. They do this by following a structured pattern of asking questions, gaining insight and giving feedback. Learn the specific skill set, knowledge, commitment and mindset required to be a successful kata coach.

Coaching to Understand the Challenge

At the start of the improvement kata practice, the coach must help the learner understand the big picture and set a challenge to work toward. Learn the approaches, guidelines and questions a coach uses to ensure that the challenge sets a foundation for experimentation, learning, and achievement

Coaching to Grasp the Current Condition

The coach supports the learners efforts to grasp the current condition of their focus process at two points in the improvement kata cycle. Learn how the coach uses questions, a set of completion criteria and feedback to help the learner understand and improve their process.

Coaching the Process Analysis Kata

This process analysis kata is a pattern improvement kata learners can use to grasp the current condition of their focus process. Learn the five steps for collecting, visualizing and analyzing their focus process, the five key points for coaches, and the three situations that may require modifying this pattern.

Coaching the Next Target Condition

The coach supports the learner in setting their next target conditions at four points during their practice of the improvement kata. Learn the questions and guidelines coaches use to ensure the target conditions are challenging but achievable, and logical based on both the current condition.

Coaching to Identify Obstacles

In both the planning phase and experimentation phases of improvement kata, the coach is responsible for ensuring that learners discover meaningful obstacles. Coaching to identify obstacles helps learners progress toward their target condition while developing their skills. Learn the questions coaches ask to verify that the learners identify obstacles that are meaningful and described well.

Coaching to Plan the Next Experiment

Immediately after completing one experiment and reflecting on it during a coaching cycle, the coach asks the learner about their plan for the next experiment. Learn how the coach uses a combination of scripted and clarifying questions to make sure that the learner is prepared to run the next rapid cycle of experimentation.

What Is a Coaching Cycle?

Coaching cycles are the kata coach ºs primary routine for teaching scientific thinking through face-to-face interactions with a learner who is practicing the improvement kata. Learn the answers to questions such as why, when, where, how often, and for how long to do coaching cycles.

How to Do Coaching Cycles

Doing coaching cycles successfully requires a coach to follow a structure, prepare the learner, and be familiar with how to develop understanding by questions. Learn what coaches must to start, run and conclude each coaching cycle.

What Is the Five Questions Kata Coaching Card?

The five questions card provides a structure for the coach to review the learners experiment during each coaching cycle. Learn the content of each question, when to ask them, and how the coach uses them to develop the learners scientific thinking ability.

Coaching to Reflect on the Last Experiment

During every coaching cycle, the learner and coach reflect on the results of their last experiment. Learn how the learners prepared, what questions coaches ask, the three possible outcomes of experiments, and how the coach uses this process to guide the learner’s improvement kata practice.

How Kata Coaches Ask Clarifying Questions

During a coaching cycle, the coach follows the structure of the five questions card. The coach must also ask clarifying questions that are spontaneous and based on the learners answers. Learn the ten keys for kata coaches to ask effective clarifying questions.

How to Use a Kata Coaching Notebook

Kata coaches help people get better at the scientific thinking pattern by guiding their practice of the improvement kata. Coaches must often track the progress of multiple learners over several months at a time. Learn how a simple coaching notebook is used to record observations and feedback from coaching cycles.

Coaching to Reflect on the Improvement Kata Cycle

After a learner achieves their challenge, the coachs role is to help them prepare for their next improvement cycle. The coach and learner engage in a coaching cycle to reflect on the most recent improvement kata and look ahead to the next one. Learn the questions coaches ask and how they help the learner look back and look forward.

What Is the Role of the Second Coach in Kata?

In order to develop effective coaching skills, it's important to practice correctly. A kata coach needs an experienced person to observe their practice, provide feedback and guide their development. Learn how the second coach fulfills this role as a "coach's coach"

How to Use the Coaching Cycles Observation Form

The Coaching Cycles Observation Form is a tool a second coach uses to observe and support a kata coach. Learn how the format and content of this one-page form help observers understand the coach-learner interaction, identify constructive feedback, and guide the kata coachs development.

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